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Arithmetic statistics meets Arithmetic topology: UCalgary Algebra and number theory seminar (23 Jan 2023)


Trimester on Triangle groups, Belyi Uniformization and Modularity: "Rigid Galois representations".


Trimester on Triangle groups, Belyi Uniformization and Modularity: "An Overview of the Taylor-Wiles method".


CMS Winter session 2021: Galois representations and L-functions, "Iwasawa theory and congruences for the symmetric square of a modular form" (slides).


CMS Winter session 2021: Algebraic number theory, "Rational points on algebraic curves in infinite towers of number fields" (slides).


Iwasawa theory and congruences for the symmetric square of a modular form, Arizona State Univ. Number theory seminar, 2021.


Iwasawa theory and congruences for the symmetric square of a modular form, UCLA Number theory seminar, 2021.


Arithmetic Statistics and Diophantine Stability for Elliptic curves, UBC Number theory seminar, 2021,


Constructing Galois representations ramified at one prime, Maine/Quebec Number theory conference, 2021, (slides)


Constructing Galois representations ramified at one prime, PAJAMAS III, Clemson U., 2021,


Rank Jumps and Growth of Tate-Shafarevich groups of Elliptic curves, Algebra and Number theory seminar, U. Arizona, 2021,


Arithmetic Statistics and Diophantine Stability for Elliptic curves, Number theory seminar, U. Wisconsin-Madison, 2021,


Arithmetic Statistics and Iwasawa theory, Young Researchers in Algebraic Number theory conference, III, Bristol, 2021,


Arithmetic Statistics and Iwasawa theory, Fields Number theory seminar, (slides, video), 2021


Arithmetic Statistics and Iwasawa theory, SFU, NTAG seminar, 2021,


Arithmetic Statistics and Iwasawa theory, Mid-Atlantic seminar on numbers V, 2021,


Arithmetic Statistics and Iwasawa theory, U Toronto, Number and Representation theory seminar, 2021, (slides),


Level Lowering via the Deformation theory of Galois representations, SFU, NTAG seminar, 2021.


Euler characteristics in Iwasawa theory, Pajamas conference, 2021, (slides),


Cornell University B exam presentation, 2020, slides.


Level Lowering via the Deformation theory of Galois Representations, Cornell University, 2019.


Lifting Galois Representations, Poster session at Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry, Michigan Ann Arbor, 2019.


Lifts of Reducible Galois Representations, 9th Annual Upstate Number theory Conference, Cornell University 2019.


Lifting Mod p Reducible Galois Representations, Oklahoma State University, 2018.


Lifting Mod p Reducible Galois Representations, Cornell University, 2018.


On the mu=0 conjecture for Coates-Wiles extensions of Imaginary quadratic fields for primes p=2,3, Coates Project Group, Arizona Winter School, 2018


Deformations of Reducible Galois Representations to Hida Families, 8th Annual Upstate Number theory Conference parallel session, University of Buffalo, 2018.


Deformations of Reducible Mod p Galois Representations, Automorphic Forms Workshop parallel session, Tufts University, 2018.




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