1. Constructing Certain Special Analytic Galois Extensions
J. Number theory (2020) Vol. 212, pp. 105-112 (journal version).
2. Euler Characteristics and their Congruences in the Positive Rank setting
with Ramdorai Sujatha,
Canadian Math. Bull. (2021) Vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 228-245 (journal version).
3. On Picard Groups of Perfectoid Covers of Toric varieties
with Gabriel Dorfsman-Hopkins and Peter Wear,
European J. of Mathematics (2023) Vol. 9, issue 1, article 16. (journal version).
4. Euler Characteristics and their Congruences for Multi-signed Selmer groups
with Ramdorai Sujatha,
Canadian J. of Mathematics (2023) Vol. 75(1), pp. 298-321.(journal version).
5. A Refined Lifting Theorem for Supersingular Galois Representations
J. Number theory (2021) Vol. 229, pp. 282-313 (journal version).
6. Constructing Galois Representations Ramified at One Prime
J. Number theory (2021) Vol. 222, pp. 168-180 (journal version).
7. Deformations of Certain Reducible Galois Representations III
Int. J. Number theory (2021) Vol. 17, Issue 06 pp. 1429-1485 (journal version).
8. Anticyclotomic μ-invariants of residually reducible Galois Representations
with Debanjana Kundu,
J. Number theory (2022) Vol. 234, pp. 476-498 (journal version).
9. Iwasawa Invariants for Elliptic Curves over Zp-extensions and Kida's formula
with Debanjana Kundu.
Forum Mathematicum. 34 (2022), no. 4, 945–967 (journal version, Link to auxiliary code).
10. Deformations of Reducible Galois Representations to Hida Families
Int. J. Number theory (2022) Vol. 18, No. 01, pp. 89-112 (journal version).
11. On the μ-invariants of residually reducible Galois representations
with Ramdorai Sujatha.
American J. of Mathematics (2024) Vol.146, No. 6, pp. 1617-1649 (journal version)
12. Constructing Galois Representations with large Iwasawa λ-invariant
Annales Math. Quebec 48 (2024), no. 1, 253–268. (journal version)
13. Statistics for Iwasawa Invariants of Elliptic Curves
with Debanjana Kundu,
Trans. American Math. Soc. (2021) Vol. 374, no.11, pp. 7945-7965 (journal version).
14. Statistics for Anticyclotomic Iwasawa Invariants of Elliptic Curves
with Jeffrey Hatley and Debanjana Kundu.
Math Zeitschrift : (2024), Vol 307, no. 3, Paper No. 49. (journal version)
15. Statistics for Iwasawa Invariants of Elliptic Curves, II
with Debanjana Kundu.
Int. J. Number theory Volume 20, Issue 04 (May 2024), pp.1099-1124 (journal version)
16. Rank Jumps and Growth of Shafarevich-Tate groups of Elliptic curves in Z/pZ-extensions; with Lea Beneish and Debanjana Kundu.
J. Australian Math. Soc. 116 (2024), no. 1, 1–38. (journal version)
17. Arithmetic Statistics for Galois Deformation Rings
with Tom Weston.
The Ramanujan Journal (2024), no. 3, pp. 685-708 (journal version)
18. Arithmetic Statistics and Diophantine Stability for Elliptic curves
The Ramanujan Journal (2023), 62, pp. 215–239 (journal version)
19. Asymptotic Growth for Mordell-Weil Ranks of Elliptic curves in Noncommutative Towers
Canadian Math. Bull. (2022), 65(4), pp. 1050-1062. (journal version).
20. Arithmetic Statistics and Noncommutative Iwasawa theory
with Debanjana Kundu and Antonio Lei
Documenta Math. (2022), 27, pp. 89-149 (journal version).
21. Rational points on Algebraic Curves in Infinite towers of Number fields
The Ramanujan Journal (2023), Vol. 60, pp. 809–824. (journal version).
22. Statistics for p-ranks of Artin-Schreier covers
Acta Arithmetica 205 (2022) , 211-226 (journal version).
23. Iwasawa Invariants for Symmetric Square representations
with Ramdorai Sujatha and Vinayak Vatsal
Research in the Mathematical Sciences (2023), Vol 10, issue 1, 27. (journal version)
24. Arithmetic Statistics for the Fine Selmer group in Iwasawa theory
with Ramdorai Sujatha
Research in Number theory (2023), Vol 9, issue 3, 59. (journal version)
25. On the μ equals zero conjecture for the Fine Selmer group in Iwasawa theory
with Shaunak Deo and Ramdorai Sujatha
Pure & Applied Math. Quarterly (2023) vol.19, no.2, pp. 641-680 (journal version)
26. Topological Iwasawa invariants and Arithmetic Statistics
with Cedric Dion
Documenta Math. (2022), 27, pp. 1643-1669 (journal version).
27. Class group statistics for torsion fields generated by elliptic curves
with Tom Weston
accepted for publication in the J. Australian Math. Soc.
28. Asymptotic growth of Iwasawa invariants in Noncommutative towers of number fields
29. Remarks of Hilbert's tenth problem and the Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves
Bull. Australian Math. Soc. (2023), 107(3), pp. 440-450 (journal version)
30. Remarks on Catalan's equation over Function fields
Finite Fields & their Applications (2023), Vol. 91, no. 102271 (journal version)
31. Diophantine equations of the form Y^n=f(X) over function fields
Bull. Australian Math. Soc. 108 (2023), no. 3, pp. 379–390. (journal version)
32. On the distribution of Iwasawa invariants associated to Multigraphs
with Cedric Dion, Antonio Lei and Daniel Vallieres.
Nagoya Math. J. 108, Volume 253, (2024) , pp. 48 - 90 (journal version)
33. A note on the distribution of Iwasawa invariants of imaginary quadratic fields
Bull Braz Math Soc (2023), New Series 54, 36. (journal version)
34. On large Iwasawa λ-invariants of imaginary quadratic function fields
The Ramanujan Journal (2023), Vol. 62, pp. 853-861 (journal version)
35. On the corank of the fine Selmer group of an elliptic curve over a Zp-extension
The Ramanujan Journal Vol. 62 (2023), no. 4, 1023–1035.(journal version)
36. An analogue of Kida's formula in graph theory
with Daniel Vallieres.
37. Galois representations ramified at one prime and with suitably large image
Trans. American Math. Soc. (2023) Vol. 376 No.10, pp. 7287-7305 (journal version)
38. On the number of subrings of Z^n of prime power index
with Hrishabh Mishra
39. On the distribution of Alexander polynomials in certain families of closed braids
European J. of Mathematics (2023) Vol 9, Issue 3, article 65 (journal version)
40. Hilbert's tenth problem in anticyclotomic towers of number fields
with Tom Weston
Trans. American Math. Soc. (2024) Vol. 377, No. 5, pp. 3577-3597 (journal version)
41. Constructing Galois representations with prescribed Iwasawa λ-invariant
Bulletin of the London Math. Soc. (2024) Vol. 56, Issue. 5, pp. 1624-1642 (journal version)
42. On the distribution of eigenvalues in families of Cayley graphs
with Matilde Lalin
European J. of Mathematics (2024) Vol.10, number 49 (journal version)
43. Diophantine stability for elliptic curves on average
(April 2023) with Tom Weston
44. Lower bounds for the number of number fields with Galois group GL2(Fâ„“)
accepted for publication in Forum Mathematicum
45. Counting number fields whose Galois group is a wreath product of symmetric groups
(June 2023) with Hrishabh Mishra
46. Remarks on Greenberg's conjecture for Galois representations associated to elliptic curves
(August 2023).
47. Asymptotic growth patterns for class field towers ,
with Arindam Bhattacharyya and Vishnu Kadiri,
Documenta Math. 29 (2024), no. 1, 141–158 (journal version).
48. On the Iwasawa invariants of Artin representations,
(September 2023), with Aditya Karnataki
49. Upper bounds on the number of number fields with prescribed Galois group
(October 2023) with Hrishabh Mishra
50. Iwasawa theory of fine Selmer groups associated to Drinfeld modules
Mathematika (2024) Volume70, Issue3 (journal version)
51. The T-adic Galois representation is surjective for a positive density of Drinfeld modules; Research in Number theory: Vol 10, No. 56 (2024) (journal version)
52. Rank stability of elliptic curves in certain non-abelian extensions,
(Jan 2024) with Siddhi Pathak
accepted for publication in Math Nachrichten
53. On Malle's conjecture for the product of symmetric and nilpotent groups,
with Hrishabh Mishra
accepted for publication in Nagoya Math. J
54. An analogue of Kida's formula for elliptic curves with additive reduction
with Pratiksha Shingavekar,
The Ramanujan Journal Vol. 65 (2024), no. 2, pp. 857–883 (journal version)
55. Rank distribution in cubic twist families of elliptic curves
(Mar 2024) with Pratiksha Shingavekar
accepted for publication in Acta Arithmetica
56.Statistics for Iwasawa Invariants of Elliptic Curves, III
(Apr 2024)
57.On the Iwasawa theory of Cayley graphs
(May 2024) with Sohan Ghosh,
Research in the Mathematical Sciences (2025) Vol. 12 No. 2 (journal version)
58. Hilbert's tenth problem for families of ℤp-extensions of imaginary quadratic fields
(June 2024) with Katharina Müller
59.Galois representations over function fields that are ramified at one prime,
(June 2024) accepted for publication in The Ramanujan Journal
60. A positive density of elliptic curves are diophantine stable in certain Galois extensions,
(June 2024) with Pratiksha Shingavekar
61.Galois representations are surjective for almost all Drinfeld modules,
(July 2024)
62.Counting rational maps on â„™^1 with prescribed local conditions,
(Aug 2024) with Khoa D. Nguyen
63. A heuristic approach to the Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves,
(Sep 2024) with Katharina Müller
64. Integers that are sums of two cubes in the cyclotomic ℤp-extension, (Sep 2024)
accepted for publication in the Tohoku Math J.
65. Iwasawa theory and ranks of elliptic curves in quadratic twist families (Dec 2024)
with Jeffrey Hatley​