About me:
I'm an assistant professor of Mathematics at the Chennai Mathematical Institute in India.
I obtained my Phd at Cornell University in 2020, after which I was a postdoc at the University of British Columbia (2020-2022) and a Simons postdoctoral fellow at the Centre de recherches Mathematiques, Montreal (2022-2023).
Research interests:​
I use Galois theoretic methods to study questions in number theory and arithmetic geometry. My research is primarily in
Iwasawa theory,
Galois representations,
Arithmetic statistics.
Here is a link to my papers on the arxiv. Click here to view my research papers.
Education/Positions held:
June 2023-present Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Chennai Mathematical Institute.
2022-2023 Simons postdoctoral researcher at Centre de recherches mathématiques - Université de Montréal (CRM).
supervisors: Matilde Lalín and Antonio Lei.
2020-2022: postdoctoral researcher (Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia)
supervisor: R.Sujatha
2015-2020: PhD in Math (Cornell University)
supervisor: Ravi Ramakrishna
During the academic year 2021-2022, I co-organized the UBC Number Theory Seminar.
During spring 2022, I organized the Iwasawa theory Virtual Seminar.
I am co-organizing the AMS special session in Iwasawa theory (Oct 1&2, University of Amherst).
email: anwesh@cmi.ac.in
photo credit: Melissa Totman